Screening questions

Screening questions

During the application process, your candidates will need to provide with their name, email address and, if enabled, also their CV. We are also able to add a set of screening questions to each job position to provide you with better insights about your candidates and their qualifications.

In case of an ATS connection, the screening questions should be set up in the ATS and will be automatically transferred to jobpal via the jobfeed. Without an ATS integration, screening questions can be added on the job openings page. Responses to screening questions are attached to applications, shown on the applications page of the dashboard, and sent to the ATS (if connected).

By default, we allow the user to provide free-text (meaning - any input is accepted) answers to your questions. For that reason, FAQ flow is disabled during the screening process and the user is not able to leave the screening process until it is complete and they reach the application summary stage.

Suggested answers

We are also able to provide users with suggested answers. You can set them up on the job openings page or pass them, along with your questions, via ATS connection. In that way, you can make sure that users will provide more standardized responses by choosing from the suggested options. By default, we allow also free-text responses, so if your user does not choose any of the suggested answers and writes their own response instead, they will not be stopped from moving to the next step. This free-text option in suggested answers is configurable: so we can change this setting for you, so that the chatbot does not accept any other responses than the available options (instead, it will repeat the question with suggested answers, until one of the suggested options is chosen).



Validations and formats

In the case of some screening questions, especially when they come via ATS, you want to verify whether the response of your candidates are valid, or whether they meet certain formatting requirements (to ensure that the responses can be accepted by your ATS). A common example of such a requirement would be birthdate format (YYYY/MM/DD, DD.MM.YYYY, etc.)

Validations available by default:

  • Email (we make sure it looks like an email so entries like “@mail.com“ or “x@com“ would not be accepted).

  • Full name (we make sure the user writes two separate words to make sure that full name was provided and not just first name).

Examples of custom validations:

  • Date (we can make sure that the date is not only in the appropriate format but also if it is valid).

  • Based on previous response (meaning, for example, if the response to the previous question is “x“ skip next question).

For more details about custom validations contact your Implementation Manager.

To maintain good UX, we do not recommend the setup of any case-sensitive validations.

Common questions:

  1. Can I create knock-out questions?
    If you are based in the EU, you may not be allowed to create knock-out questions that will stop a candidate from applying. But you can inform a candidate that, if they do not meet the criteria, they may not be selected. If you are based outside the EU, please check your national laws to determine if such knock-out questions would not violate them.
    Knock-out questions are a custom feature. If you are interested in learning more about this feature please contact your Implementation Manager.

  2. I do not have screening questions in my ATS, but would like to add them to the chatbot. How can I do that?
    We offer three standard screening questions: email, full name, and CV. We are able to, based on job groups, hardcode a set of screening questions. Because this is a custom feature, we advise you to contact your Implementation Manager.


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