Top Platforms Overview: WhatsApp, WebMessenger, Facebook, WeChat & SMS

Top Platforms Overview: WhatsApp, WebMessenger, Facebook, WeChat & SMS

The brain of the chatbot lives at jobpal’s side and you can easily train it using our dashboard. But how your users will be able to access it depends on the platform of choice. Each one has it’s benefits and drawbacks and it is crucial to understand the differences between them. They affect how you implement the flow, build the features and interact with your users.



Facebook Messenger

When the candidate is using the chatbot, they can easily be re-engaged since chatbot stays in their history as past interaction.

Chatbot has max. 24h idle time limit to provide messages back to the users if the Facebook page is not registered with the Facebook News Page Index (NPI). You can read more about it here.

Users who do not have a Facebook account still can use the solution without the need to log in or set up the account.

Chatbot conversation will remain available to those users for up to 24 hrs after the chat is closed. Since it is not connected to their account we cannot reengage in the Messenger app.

Thanks to Facebook Plugin chatbot is not only accessible from your Facebook page but also Career page (easy integration via snippet).


Job carousel, quick replies, buttons, and even option to include audio, image, and video files. 


No idle time limit, users will always get a response back.

Harder reengagement since the user has to come back to the page to receive the message back.

Easy implementation through a short code snippet.

No video support.

Job carousel, quick replies, buttons, and images. 


Embedded mode available if you wish to adjust the look and behavior of your chatbot on your own.

No login necessary - just start typing!


Support for message pre-population that enables easy deeplinking and campaign tracking.



You can use WhatsApp QR code or Click-to-Chat to guide mobile users to the app or desktop users to WhatsApp Web. 

No way for the user to interact with the chatbot on Career Page (they have to use WhatsApp web or move to their phone).

Easy re-engagement - chatbot stays as a past interaction on user’s WhatsApp.

NO proactive messages or messages after 24h user idle time. Possibility to use message templates to send proactive messages and messages after 24h at a cost (per each such a message).

Images in the chat are supported.

No buttons, carousels, or other advanced visual features allowed.

Support for message pre-population that enables easy deeplinking and campaign tracking.


The solution is encrypted and trusted by the users.



Easy re-engagement - chatbot stays as a past interaction on the user’s WeChat.

The menu of the WeChat account becomes a part of the chatbot and is no longer possible to manage from the WeChat level

Easy implementation (but has to be supported by the team managing WeChat account due to QR code security scans).

No buttons, carousels, or other visual features allowed (there is a possibility to include an image as an external link).


No idle time limit, users will always get a response back.

No buttons, carousels, or other visual features allowed.

Conversation history kept in user’s message flow.


Bot can initiate conversation (proactive messaging - country-specific limitations may apply).


Support for message pre-population that enables easy deeplinking and campaign tracking.


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